Monday, September 6, 2010


What A long week ahead!
As you can tell I have been playing with templates on my blog. I have enjoyed it tremendously, learning how to use and navigate Html . I find it fascinating and time consuming...but I did it!
We are heading into another full week of schooling, Kayla has a couple of social events on the
calendar with her school, our local town's County Fair, and MAYBE Mary Poppins' the show!!!

So LOTS of pictures and fun coming up after a few weeks of adjusting. The kiddos have truly handled the many changes that have taken place with school and all the waiting for decisions to be made by Dad and Mom regarding school, job, etc. These kids have really been troopers through it all even when it was difficult!
Way to Go kiddos!!!!
Can't wait to post!!! :)
Oh By the way-I will also be posting pictures of our time in Cancun, Mexico this summer!
We had a Grand time! I see I have some of you who read our blog from Mexico! Muchos Gracias!
I hope you enjoy these pictures, just as much as we enjoyed taking them! I was able to learn some more Spanish while down there, but I have a goal for myself this year, and that is to learn Spanish, and become fluent over the next year...I am Nicaraguan/Hispanic so I must learn it! :) My daughter Kayla says, "I'll bet I'll know Spanish better before you...!" She is taking a class in School. She may be right-but we shall see-the challenge is on!

Gracias amigos por leer nuestro blog!


Lindsay said...

Yay! Your blog looks great! I've been meaning to ask you how you put a description under each child. I can't figure it out! Hope we'll see you Thurs night at school!

Katie said...

It looks fantastic!!!

Dahl Family said...

Thank you ladies-that's encouraging!! My passion for blogging and writing is increasing!! Please pray for me I hope to grow in these areas!
Lindsay, all you do is go to your picture and in the 'caption line' (under 'title' and before 'link')you just add what you want to say about each picture...let me know if that helps...
we are going to the Thursday night event...we are looking forward to it-can't wait to chat with you to see how you guys liking school!