Tuesday, August 31, 2010

To HomeSchool or not to Homeschool, Now that Is REALLY the Question!!

As the above title stated-To Homeschool or not to Homeschool...that is the question; and boy has it been the ultimate question over the past couple of months. Towards the beginning of summer my husband and I began to really consider putting the kids in school this year instead of me Homeschooling. It became one of the hottest topics in our family conversations over the summer. "What school did I get into, what school should we apply for, what grade?"
Last year we had placed our daughter Ava in pre-school which was the best decision at the time. We had considered that with Ava's outgoing, social, personality, that we ought to put her into something where it would be 'fulfilling' for her. I knew I couldn't provide her with all the things that the pre-school would offer. She really did well in it! Of course there were days that were more difficult...so we just took those days off and she spent them at home with me-when she needed Mommy-though they weren't many.

So experiencing 'school' from that perspective, we thought it would be a good idea to try and see if we should apply to some Charter Schools in the area; along with Liberty Prep School a private school where the kids are taught 3 days out of the week, and 2 days at home with their parents.
So we applied to both schools. All of them got into Liberty Prep-yay!!! Yet, we couldn't afford all kiddos to go sadly-although we tried. The boys and Ava got into Mountain Island Charter School too. Decisions, Decisions....
The boys ended up going to Mountain Island, the girls to Liberty. At this point we were thinking-OK-lets try this. No logistics were worked out yet, ie. carpooling, getting to and from both schools, etc.
To throw another curve ball into the mix, Stefan may be getting a job in Greensboro...we still aren't sure. So we were wondering should we continue sending them to school or should we not? These have been a hard lessons for all of us...to have persevere without knowing the exact plan. I am one that likes to know what is happening, what is the plan? Which is another reason for us wanting to send our kids to school. Things are already planned out...we don't have to do much-just assist-fill in the gaps academically; and spiritually teach our children.
I began to really like that idea!!
So began the school year...girls off to Liberty and boys off to Mountain Island. Working out the logistics became reality. Although sometimes the logistics weren't always worked out. This taught me patience and perseverance to figure things out and not give up, lets see how this can work.
We began the day arising at 6am. and heading out by 8:00. Stefan would take the boys while I took the girls. The schools were in opposite directions, (45-65) minutes apart depending on traffic. As I began to learn the 'secrets' of how to arrive at the girls school on time, I began to have trouble with getting to the boys. Their school was a lot bigger-more people-longer lines-and it's also a new school. They were trying to iron out all their kinks too.
I recall one day last week when I panicked-I knew I wasn't going to make in time to pick up the girls, so I called my Mom, 'help'!! So graciously and kindly she quickly jumped to the task of picking them up...thanks Mom!
Carpools were trying to form, but didn't quite work based on all of our goings and comings...

As for the boys...I mistakenly placed the boys in grades that they were not prepared for which was probably going to be fine...but they weren't ready. Yet, I wanted them to feel and be successful their first year-at least to some degree. Little did I know how difficult it was going to be for one of them-going into a large school, new people, and a grade that was too advanced. This also was a little unexpected...
Stefan, the kids and I, were preparing for 'this new adventure' when things just didn't turn out as expected. I spent the first 2 full days down at the school working with the teachers again, as well as one of my sons-graciously, understandably, and holding things loosely...wanting what was best for the kids. After weighing and considering things such as, not placing them in proper grade level, cost of traveling around in addition to the total cost of school 'stuff'...after the 3rd day of trial...Stefan had decided to call it off for the boys. Although it was a fast decision...we knew this was what the Lord for them. They felt completely at peace when this decision was made. Although for me as the Mom and a Homeschooling Mom...I had mixed feelings. I of course want what is best for them and us, but I was enjoying the freedom of knowing they were being active during the day, being taught...(while I could go to the store or get stuff done around the house), make their special snack when they got home; being ready to hug them when they walk through the door, help with time management-homework etc. and learning how to be responsible; be ready to volunteer at the schools, but most of all spiritually...recognizing God's Truth in their lives and how to be a shining light in the world despite people who would make fun of you, or kids who act differently than our kids, etc. I know we didn't experience much of that yet...but a tad...and it was definitely worth it for all of us. I am sure we will have more opportunities.
Our girls are doing fantastic in school also-just in a different way. Kayla has really stepped up to the plate in getting her HW finished/completed even if its in the wee hrs of the night. She is studying hard, persevering even when she doesn't understand Math concepts. She is showing a side of determination/and responsibility that is phenomenal! Gooo Kayla!!!
Ava, is of course our old school pro...she has the most experience under her belt...lol, She is a trooper and a GREAT Kindergartner.

So begins the new adventure of Homeschooling once again...and having kids in school....
Both are challenging and yet exciting.
Will we one day send all of our kids back to school? Maybe...we will certainly consider it again...as for now...one step at a time, one decision at a time, and lastly,
one year at a time...

1 comment:

Katie said...

I was wondering what your cryptic FB messages meant! You've definitely had quite a month, with all the decision wrestling! I'm so glad that God has led you to this place, where peace exists all around.