Friday, October 16, 2009

Are YOU still there??

My poor blog fans...My poor,poor fans...
how i am sorry i have not posted-i am guilty of neglecting my poor blog...if you are still a fan and still reading-thank you. How life seems to be taking me on a roll, not enough time to post (or so it seems). So many things going on not knowing what to post. I do have a few things, that i would like to post about. First being my cousin Bill who has been in a coma for the past week. Second is my trip to Charleston, SC. What a wonderful time I had with my Mom!! How I would love to go again! I will I am sure. Stefan wants to go with me next time!! Fun, fun!! I believe next year we are going to Georgia, Paula Dean's restaurant, what's the city-it has totally slipped my mind :). Can anyone remind me? Anyway...on with the posting.


Steve said...


Dahl Family said...

That's it!! I have been trying to remember over the past few days. Thank You Steve! Very helpful!! :)