Saturday, December 13, 2008

Stefan and His Sleeping Diagnoses

Over the past few years Stefan has been struggling with not sleeping well. It has become a lot worse.
So last night Stefan went for a sleeping evaluation to see of he has sleep apnea. While the kids and I had a fun camp-out in Daddy and Mommy's room, Stefan was taking his sleep test. He came home this morning with a diagnoses of having it. The doctor said prior to him going in for the test, that he was 100% sure he had it. After he went in, they hooked him up to wire sensors and an oxygen mask. He watched some TV and then went to sleep. He woke up so much more refreshed, and he woke up very easily which is a blessing!! So now he has to go back to the doctors to get his final diagnoses from him. We are encouraged and we are hoping this will help his body get back on a healthy track.

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