Tuesday, December 9, 2008


So I let the little girls play with some rice...
this is of course what happened! Rice, Rice everywhere-in the dining area that is.
I like to let Ava play with dry rice at times. So I will give her measuring cups, and a pan, so she can play cooking with it. Well, needless to say, Isabel thought this would be fun too and began to fling rice as far as her little hands could throw. Yet, Mom stayed as calm as a cucumber. Ava as a matter of fact took the broom and began to sweep the gigantic mess all by herself!! What a HUGE helper she was!! For this I gave her much praise and the rest of the family sang the "We're proud of you" song to her. Which she quite delighted herself in as you can tell by the pictures below. Thankfully we got most of it cleaned up before Daddy arrived home!

Note Ava has her shoes on this picture. This is what she told Mommy,
"Mommy I need to put on my shoes so I don't get 'rices' on my feet."
And so she did...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Ava!!