Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Our Dear Kayla!!!

  • Her very own e-mail address
  • Her first i-pod
  • first older girl birthday party where the girls were really sitting around talking...
  • First official babysitting class to earn her certificate
My goodness!! Just to name a few of the many changes that have taken place at age 12!!
Oh I remember being that age! Age 12 is such an exciting time in life where it marks the period just before your teen years...So yes our girly is now a pre-teen!!
I was just pregnant with her-what has happened??

To be honest, I LOVE being a Mom of girls! It has been so much fun already just teaching Kayla about the Lord and who He is in her life.
Kayla is still our cheerful and joyful girl. She is thankfully teachable and her heart, (because of the Lord at work), becomes quickly convicted of sin her life. Though life presents many moments where it is hard to have a softened spirit (I see this in my own life)-she is so willing and open to learn about how the Lord would have her respond biblically to situations that may be difficult for her. What an example of humility she is, seeing the good in things, and most of all seeks to see what God's best and will is for her life.

Dear Kayla,

What a joy it is Kayla, for daddy and I to be your parents! You bring such a joy that is indescribable!! God has blessed us greatly by allowing us the privilege of parenting you! You are a present from the Lord! Keep being our cheerful girl!!! We all love you sooooo much!!

Pregnant with Baby #1

She has arrived!!!

Our little peanut...
a few days before Thanksgiving and in our little tiny apartment.

Our first princess!

Kayla holding her "baby", she loved, "baby"
couldn't sleep without her

Papa and Kayla

Mamma, Kayla, and TC the cat.

One of our first family photos-what a tiny family just beginning.

The baby shower
Nana and Mimi

She would always love to splash in this little pool
and still loves the water to this day...

The day we left for Charlotte, NC!!!
Kayla was 9mo.


Beautiful girl!!
We love you!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Kayla,
I'm glad you had such a fun birthday. I'm so looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday.
